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Our vision is of a world in which everyone has access to good, culturally appropriate, and ecologically produced food, where different cultural land and food practices (new and old) are celebrated, and we can all be nourished through connection with the land and the more-than-human world.


We recognise that historical and current systems of oppression have led many to feel disconnected or excluded from rural spaces and lose connection with the land, particularly already marginalised groups of people such as queer and trans folk, those with racialised identities, and urban working class folk.


We understand movements for land justice, queer liberation, and other social justice struggles to be deeply intertwined. We believe that working the land is always political and offers a space for (un)learning, (re)connecting, and strengthening our collective action.


Our desire is to foster a connection to the land that challenges the extractive, capitalist, and colonial dynamics/practices of our current systems, and centres interdependence, care, and justice.



​We want to:


  • Regenerate the land through agroecological farming practices

  • Distribute agroecologically produced food to communities who have been historically disconnected from the land and food growing

  • Enable access for historically marginalised groups to land and more than human worlds

  • Provide opportunities for political education that enables people to take collective action on socio-ecological issues they care about

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