Welcome to our cooperative
Teasel is a queer cooperative project about land justice and land connection. Our intention is to engage our local and wider communities in (re)connecting with the land through workshops, skillshares, celebrations and political education.
We are a queer cooperative with a strong focus on the intersections between land justice, land connection and sustainable, agroecological food growing. Teasel exposes and addresses systems of oppression by fostering ecological community, connection, and political education. Our long-term goal is to grow and distribute delicious food to our local and wider communities, as we see growing vegetables as a core part of our connection with the land we live on.

Queer and trans people have long been disconnected and excluded from rural and semi-rural spaces, and have sought sanctuary in cities. By creating an explicitly and politically queer farm, Teasel reclaims landwork as carework. Through reconnecting with land and growing food from the soil for ourselves and our communities, we seek to be a prefigurative place for the world we know is possible.